RicharD Murphy March 2nd

Joint us on March the 2nd for a presentation by RicharD Murphy on Digital Asset Management — maintaining a library of digital image.

RicharD MurphyHaving lived in Kanata since his early childhood, RicharD first began in photography while attending the Earl of March S.S. where he was encouraged by his very patient art teachers. To further his photographic education, RicharD moved to London, Ontario and studied at Fanshawe College where he specialized in large format, commercial product photography, and experimented with a new, developing means of photographic expression: digital imaging.

RicharD has worked in Ottawa’s photographic industry for over twenty years in such areas as custom photographic printing by hand, corporate portraiture, commercial magazine photography, and technical imaging for national heritage organizations such as Library and Archives Canada and the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Through these and other activities, RicharD has continued to expand and share his knowledge of photography.

Focused mainly now on the fine art side of his craft, RicharD is inspired by the resilience and grace of nature, and specializes in landscape and found still life photography. With a mix of both traditional techniques and modern equipment, RicharD has found the means to more effectively realize the world as he sees it, and strives to create images that show a classic and timeless beauty. Having been formally schooled in photography before the days of digital cameras, RicharD still enjoys using film to capture the body of the image. These images are then brought to life via computer and then printed on various media including wood, canvas, & fine art papers.

To see examples of his work, visit his website.